General notes
The standard Grant Application form should be completed for all applications for funds from the Parish of Deddington. It is recognised that some questions may not be relevant to your specific organisation and the Council are available to help applicants if required. A link to the standard form is here.
General Guidelines
The Council will take the following factors into consideration when assessing applications:
Standard Grant Application form
Grant Application form accompanying notes
General notes
The standard Grant Application form should be completed for all applications for funds from the Parish of Deddington. It is recognised that some questions may not be relevant to your specific organisation and the Council are available to help applicants if required. A link to the standard form is here.
General Guidelines
The Council will take the following factors into consideration when assessing applications:
- Whether the project under consideration will provide benefits to the wider community.
- The history of the organisation applying for funds will be taken into account, specifically regarding: (a) efforts to bring wider benefits to the community; and (b) general experience in financial management; (c) number and proportion of membership living in the Parish of Deddington; and (d) success in funding and managing previous projects.
- The Council feel that the members of organisations seeking funds should generally be encouraged to make a sizeable contribution to the cost of their project. The Council will therefore wish to know what proportion of the cost applicants plan to meet from their own funds of fund raising activities.
- The Council will grant funds only when it is satisfied that a project meets its criteria that: (a) any necessary planning/building regulation approvals have been obtained (see 5); (b) the total sum available is sufficient to meet approved costs; and (c) the project will be properly managed.
The Council will not be responsible for meeting expenditure in excess of approved costs and no account will be taken in monetary terms of the value of voluntary labour. - While the Council will not decide an application until any necessary planning or other approval has been obtained, the Council appreciates that this could lead to considerable abortive effort and expense by the applicant. In such cases the Council will, on receipt of sufficient preliminary information, endeavour to give informal advice as to whether a prospective project may be expected to receive its eventual approval.
- The Council may grant funds either in the form of outright gifts or as long or short-term loans at nominal or zero interest. When appropriate, payments by the Council may be made in stages.
- The Council will not normally grant funds for relatively minor repairs, maintenance, or running costs.
- The Council will normally require that three competitive tenders be obtained and submitted with the detailed account of the project costs.
- Fund allocations may beconditional upon supervision of the project being undertaken by a professional architect or engineer who has appropriate indemnity insurance. Any fees payable would be included in the total project cost under consideration for funds.
- At appropriate stages of the project, it will be inspected by the Council or an appointee of the Council. If the inspection report is satisfactory, funds will be payable upon production of relevant invoices.
Standard Grant Application form
Grant Application form accompanying notes