Neighbourhood Plan complete
A referendum on the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan (NP) was held on 2 May 2024, posing the question: “Do you want Cherwell District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Deddington to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
Votes cast in favour of Yes 791
Votes cast in favour of No 58
The turnout was 46.79%, exceptionally high compared with turnout for the Cherwell District Council (CDC) elections held on the same day. The Neighbourhood Plan steering group is very grateful to all those Deddington parishioners who showed up to vote, and for the handsome support.
The NP for Deddington will be the primary guide for CDC in its planning decisions until such time as the council completes its own emerging CDC Local Plan, which we hope will reinforce our NP.
It is now the task of the parish council to monitor CDC planning decisions to ensure they are in keeping with our Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan should be reviewed in five years' time.
Votes cast in favour of Yes 791
Votes cast in favour of No 58
The turnout was 46.79%, exceptionally high compared with turnout for the Cherwell District Council (CDC) elections held on the same day. The Neighbourhood Plan steering group is very grateful to all those Deddington parishioners who showed up to vote, and for the handsome support.
The NP for Deddington will be the primary guide for CDC in its planning decisions until such time as the council completes its own emerging CDC Local Plan, which we hope will reinforce our NP.
It is now the task of the parish council to monitor CDC planning decisions to ensure they are in keeping with our Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan should be reviewed in five years' time.
The final pre-referendum Neighbourhood Plan, December 2023
The Examiner has approved our Neighbourhood Plan with a few minor amendments. The NP steering group and the Parish Council agreed to make the changes and the completed plan has been forwarded to Cherwell District Council to go to referendum. The Neighbourhood Plan is here, along with the Examiner's report.
Responses to Regulation 16 consultation, October 2023
During the Regulation 16 consultation on the Submission Deddington Neighbourhood Plan and the other documents listed below in the Regulation 15 consultation, 18 responses were received by Cherwell District Council (CDC). These can be found here on the CDC website.
In August, CDC appointed an independent Examiner, John Slater, to consider our proposed Neighbourhood Plan and the attendant documents. Mr Slater sent us some initial questions concerning the Plan to Deddington Parish Council/Deddington Neighbourhood Plan steering group and to Christina Cherry, the relevant planning officer for CDC. Here are the Examiner's questions with our replies, three appendices setting out additional clarifications he requested, and a document containing two amendments to policies we made in light of the responses the Regulation 16 consultation:
Deddington Response to Examiner's questions (in red)
Appendix A – Definition of Deddington connection
Appendix B – Key view photos, p1
Appendix B – Key view photos, p2
Appendix B – Key view photos, p3
Appendix C – Description of views standpoints
Proposed amendments to NP policies
And here is the response from CDC:
23 10 05 CDC response to examiner's questions
In August, CDC appointed an independent Examiner, John Slater, to consider our proposed Neighbourhood Plan and the attendant documents. Mr Slater sent us some initial questions concerning the Plan to Deddington Parish Council/Deddington Neighbourhood Plan steering group and to Christina Cherry, the relevant planning officer for CDC. Here are the Examiner's questions with our replies, three appendices setting out additional clarifications he requested, and a document containing two amendments to policies we made in light of the responses the Regulation 16 consultation:
Deddington Response to Examiner's questions (in red)
Appendix A – Definition of Deddington connection
Appendix B – Key view photos, p1
Appendix B – Key view photos, p2
Appendix B – Key view photos, p3
Appendix C – Description of views standpoints
Proposed amendments to NP policies
And here is the response from CDC:
23 10 05 CDC response to examiner's questions
Regulation 16: Draft Neighbourhood Plan, June 2023
Cherwell District Council is undertaking public consultation on the draft (Submission) Plan. The full document, including ways to submit replies, is here.
Regulation 15: Submission of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, May 2023
Finally, here is the Submission Neighbourhood Plan and attendant supporting documents. Some of the documents have been uploaded to this site already, some have been updated. The draft Neighbourhood Plan has changed the most because of changing circumstances – but read it for yourselves, all is explained. As detailed below, we have been obliged to delay submitting the plan to Cherwell District Council for a couple of months but now the local elections are over we hope CDC will be conducting a Regulation 16 consultation very soon.
The linked documents are:
The linked documents are:
- The Submission Neighbourhood Plan 2020–2040. This was unanimously approved by Deddington Parish Council at its meeting on 15 March 2023 and includes a site allocation and policies
- The Final Site Assessment report, which lists the potential sites for development offered by landowners and their agents and how they were whittled down to one site to be allocated
- A character study of the three villages that comprise Deddington Parish
- A map of the neighbourhood area covered by the Plan
- A Basic Conditions statement setting out how the Plan meets national and local planning regulations
- A Housing Needs Assessment carried out by AECOM, an independent consultancy
- Two Strategic Environmental Assessments reports on the various sites that have been offered, also produced by AECOM: Option 1 Assessment, and Option 2 Assessment
- Responses to Regulation 14 consultation, part 1 and part 2
- A Consultation Statement explaining how the Neighbourhood Plan steering group consulted parishioners, stakeholders, landowners and businesses and how we kept them informed of progress
- Evidence of need for new Deddington nursery
- Strategic Assessment Report carried out by AECOM
Regulation 14 Consultation – again!
Click here for the full Draft SEA Report by AECOM – an additional document for the neighbourhood plan process
Regulation 14 Consultation: Pre-Submission Deddington Neighbourhood Plan
Click here for the pack of documents for the Regulation 14 Consultation
Results of the informal Neighbourhood Plan Survey in Deddington Parish, 11 November 2022
Click here for the results of the Neighbourhood Plan Survey, 11 November 2022