Working Groups
Most of the council's work is carried out by its working groups.
The areas of responsibility and associated Councillors are:
Finance and General Purposes
Cllrs Snashall, Norton, Oldfield, Robinson, Swadling and Watts
Budget (including precept)
Audit of accounts
Standing Orders
Financial Regulations
Parish assets
Council property (owned, leased, rented)
Cllrs O'Neill, Norton and Swadling
Planning applications
Local Plans (CDC, OCC, RDP)
Local Development Framework
Environment & Recreation
Cllrs Robinson, Fisher, Norton and Timms
Castle Grounds
Open spaces and greens
Grass cutting
Play areas and equipment
Dog and litter bins
Environmental areas
Christmas tree
Highways & Transport
Cllrs Cox, Collins, Mylne and Oldfield
Highway matters
Transport matters
Bus shelters
Village planters
Liaison with OCC (Highways)
Neighbourhood Plan
Cllrs Collins, Cox, Oldfield and Robinson
Special Projects
Supervision and maintenance of Cemetery & War Memorial
Ad hoc projects
The council Chairman and Vice-Chairman are ex officio on all committees.
Clerk: Clerk's Office, Windmill Centre, Hempton Road, Deddington, Oxon OX15 0QH. Tel: 01869 337447 (with voicemail)
Email [email protected]