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Councillor vacancies
Notice of Vacancy for Parish Councillor
The Parish Council has another vacancy following Graham Fisher's resignation due to work commitments. This is an unpaid position and involves working for the local community as part of a team of 14 councillors.
The Parish Council meets on the evening of the third Wednesday of each month. The work of the Council is organised into various working groups e.g. Finance and General Purposes, Environment and Recreation, Highways and Transport etc. Councillors also meet informally before the monthly meetings to prepare updates on these areas. The typical commitment of a Councillor, who actively contributes to the work of the Council, can be as much as 20 hours per month, including the monthly meeting.
Residents over the age of 18 can apply to join the council, as can non-residents with substantial links to the parish. The elections team at Cherwell District Council or Susan Fuller the Parish Clerk can provide further information about the eligibility criteria or via the website
If you can contribute to the work of the Council and would like to be considered for co-option please send an expression of interest in writing or by email to the Parish Clerk at the address above by the close of Monday 13 January 2025. This should include a few lines about yourself, your links to the Parish, your interests and how you feel you can contribute to the PC’s work within the community. You may be asked to address the Council at the meeting.
The Parish Council has another vacancy following Graham Fisher's resignation due to work commitments. This is an unpaid position and involves working for the local community as part of a team of 14 councillors.
The Parish Council meets on the evening of the third Wednesday of each month. The work of the Council is organised into various working groups e.g. Finance and General Purposes, Environment and Recreation, Highways and Transport etc. Councillors also meet informally before the monthly meetings to prepare updates on these areas. The typical commitment of a Councillor, who actively contributes to the work of the Council, can be as much as 20 hours per month, including the monthly meeting.
Residents over the age of 18 can apply to join the council, as can non-residents with substantial links to the parish. The elections team at Cherwell District Council or Susan Fuller the Parish Clerk can provide further information about the eligibility criteria or via the website
If you can contribute to the work of the Council and would like to be considered for co-option please send an expression of interest in writing or by email to the Parish Clerk at the address above by the close of Monday 13 January 2025. This should include a few lines about yourself, your links to the Parish, your interests and how you feel you can contribute to the PC’s work within the community. You may be asked to address the Council at the meeting.
Action Plan 2024–27
The PC has developed an Action Plan with the mission 'To enhance the quality of life for the community of Deddington, Clifton and Hempton, to preserve and expand recreational, sports and other facilities in the parish, to maintain the parish identity as it expands with new development, and to encourage a community spirit.' Read the 2024–27 Action Plan here.
Neighbourhood Plan 'made'
See 'Neighbourhood Plan' tab
Snow Wardens and Winter Plan 2024–25
See 'Emergency' tab
No Mow May/June
The scheme will be fine-tuned for 2025. More details in due course.
Annual Parish Report May 2024
To see a copy of the 2024 Annual Report, click here. It's a large file and takes time to open.
Freedom of information
For information available from DPC under the Freedom of Information model publication scheme, click here.
'Fix my Street'
Oxfordshire County Council uses the 'Fix my Street' scheme to allow you to report a wide range of problems such as street defects, street lighting problems, potholes, drainage issues, car parking concerns, and other problems that are the responsibility of the county authority. People can report problems online with location details. Once reports have been verified, the council's contractor pledges to fix potholes within 28 days, 24 hours in an emergency or four hours for the most severe category. If you spot a problem and want to get it fixed, then click this link to 'Fix my Street'.